Looking for some help

Im new to C++ programming and am looking for a mentor of sorts to help guide me through learning c++. my plan is to buy literature on it but i need someone to help teach me and show me where i did things wrong, this would be only a few times a week. Im currently a high school student so my scheduling can be kinda funky, but for the most part i am free anytime after 7pm cst and free on all weekends.
Just read some books and/or tutorials online and ask questions on here whenever you want
*whenever you need
It's funny proposing something like that. Considering also that you are addressing to a forum where people from all around the world could contribute and participate. To put it on different words what point does it make to put a time schedule if you are not in the same time zone?

Anyway I would also suggest to read some books yourself and ask question when come.
anyway paying $$ for mentor suchs.

you'll learn more alone reading a good book then lisening someones bullsheet.
I'm saying that because you'll have to speen alot of $$$$$ to learn C++ from some metor.
TheNewBoston from youtube has the tutorials you need to get started.
I really wouldn't recommend thenewboston. Just get a book.
TheNewBoston is pretty good IMO
I would like to say http://www.youtube.com/user/antiRTFM makes great tutorials.
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