Question on 2 topics of c++

Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and just wanted to know if someone could help me with these 2 questions because they seem to be bugging me and slowing me down from learning new things in C++ like inheritance.

My first question is, do I really need Linked lists if I want to program games? I'm probably gonna be in the 2d side for a while before I ever take a step into 3d with openGL. If I do then can someone link up a good guide on it that makes it simple.

My next question is pretty similar, do I need to know about copy constructors as well to do game programming as well? This isn't a so hard topic to understand but I feel I need to practice on it if it is needed. Also a guide would be great. The book I am reading is really great! until it gets to linked lists and copy constructor part where I kinda fall off. I know how to declare and use a construct/destructor but the copy part of it is just a bit confusing. So if anyone can answer these for me that be great, I really want to read ahead and practice this stuff over and over to get better.

just one last question as well, should I learn all c++(not the whole thing since that will take years) to be ready to program games using an api or if there's the most important topics you can name that would help too so I can see what I need to work on. Thanks again if you can answer these for me.
> do I really need Linked lists if I want to program games?

You would certainly need to know how to use a sequence container - std::vector<>, std::deque<> or std::list<>.

> do I need to know about copy constructors as well to do game programming

You have to know copy construction (as well as every other foundation operation) well to be able to do any kind of C++ programming.

> should I learn all c++ to be ready to program games using an api

You need a good foundation on basics of the language - concentrate on that right now. The rest of it, you can learn as you go along based on the needs of your program and the particular api.
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