Help random number generation

Hello, first post.
I have a problem that I want to try to solve with a genetic algorithm.
I decided to try to learn to do this using c++, with no significant recent experience.

I am running Ubuntu 10.10, with gcc version 4.4.3, and codeblocks 10.05svn7671-1.

To help learn the language for the genetic algorithm, I googled genetic algorithm to get to this code

When I compile the code, it doesn't work as the site claims.
The first errors I have corrected relate to multiple definitions of int i.

My first question regards this code:
//returns a float between 0 & 1
#define RANDOM_NUM		((float)rand()/(RAND_MAX+1))


string	GetRandomBits(int length)
	string bits;
	for (int i=0; i<length; i++)
		if (RANDOM_NUM > 0.5f)
			bits += "1";
			bits += "0";
	return bits;

This seems to generate random negative numbers, and therefore the returned string is only 0s. Why is this?

Hm, why are you using define macro for this? Anyways,
Try changing it to
RAND_MAX is an int macro with the maximum value of rand(), so you need to cast it to a float as well.

I'd also recommend seeding this, otherwise you'll get the same series of numbers each time
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The problem is that RAND_MAX == INT_MAX with your compiler so when you add 1 you get an overflow so what you have is (float)rand()/(INT_MIN).

Casting before adding avoids the overflow rand()/((float)RAND_MAX + 1) but the precision of float is so bad that adding one doesn't make a difference in this case so you can just write (float)rand()/RAND_MAX
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#define RANDOM_NUM ((float)rand()/(RAND_MAX+1))

It's not a really good practice to define functions this way but I move on.

I think the problem is that RAND_MAX is defined as the bigger number rand() can return and by adding 1 to it it turns to negative (at least in my implementation). So basically every float is negative and of course lesser than 0.5 so bits always adds 0s. Delete +1 in the above code and it should produce 1s also.
Thank you for the replies. Again, this is not my code, but something I found on the net to help me learn.

@eypros: What would be best practice for this? My understanding is the #define tag is a preprocessor comment, so it isn't really a function. One can't create a variable named RANDOM_NUM, or the number will always be the same.

Why would a compiler accept RAND_MAX + 1 and not make it a negative value?
Define macros are merely a text to text conversion. It's similar to using a const. Better practice would be just to either make it function, or write it out of you only use it once
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