What is a good study method to use for C++

hey guys, i am fairly new to C++ i was wondering; what types of study methods do you guys use to learn this stuff.
Write code, read code, rinse and repeat. Every so often, open the reference book to read about the code you just read.
The most effective way to increase your knowledge is to try new problems in a controlled way. Pick one aspect of C++ that you haven't understood before and write a program that, aside from using that one aspect, uses only things that you have already mastered. Then do what it takes to understand what your program is doing - and why.
- Andrew Koenig and Barabara Moo in 'Ruminations on C++'.

If you just read about how command line parameters are passed to main(), write a small program:
#include <iostream>

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    std::cout << "#arguments (argc): " << argc << '\n' ;
    for( int i=0 ; i<argc ; ++i )
        std::cout << "argument #" << i << " (argv[" << i << "]): " << argv[i] << '\n' ;

Then run the program from the command line with different command lines, look at the output and reason about it. For example, with a program called test, try:
> ./test
> ./test one two three four
> ./test -one -two=2 three,four

Often, a few lines of code which you write and reason about is worth more than reading a thousand words.

Note to moderators: This is reproduced almost verbatim from a post that I made on another board. Please delete it if that would violate the norms of this board.
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