Variable cannot be identified twice

Hi all, I am making a program where the user enters a different value for a,b,c and so on. I can make the user cin the alphabet, but when i try to add cout to the for loop, it cannot recognize it. Enough talking, here's the code:

alphabet [26];

for (int i = 0; i < 26; i ++)
cout << alphabet [i];
cin >> alphabet [i];

it says it cannot identify the cin alphabet [i]. But if I take the cout part out
the program works perfect. If I use the cout in another for loop, it just displays the whole alphabet rather than displaying one letter and the user entering a new value for it.
If you want both lines inside the loop you need to surround them with { }.

for (int i = 0; i < 26; i ++)
	cout << alphabet [i];
	cin >> alphabet [i];
Wow! How simple! Thanks for the help!
Your alphabet contains only 26 elements (indeces 0 to 25).
When you finish your loop i = 26 so cin >> alphabet [i]; is trying to assign a value to a memory it does not belong to you.

Since I bet you meant differently cin >> alphabet [i]; is not included into for loop.
Probably your desired syntax might be:
for (int i = 0; i < 26; i ++)
cout << alphabet [i];
cin >> alphabet [i]; 
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