RPG Game

closed account (Szy6URfi)
Hey guys!

I'm just wondering how long will it take before I could fully develop a small RPG game like a small version of RuneScape.

I know the extreme basics of C++ allready. The best I have done so far is take two inputs from a user, and if they both are equal to 10, then display a message, this is console ofcourse.

But, I'd like to use this engine here.

OGRE - http://www.ogre3d.org/

So, how long do you think it will take before I could make a small game like RuneScape with graphics as good as about the one seen in this image.



EDIT: I would also like it to be First Person
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It all depends on how much time you spend on it and how fast you learn. You also don't say if you are going to do the graphics yourself or if you are going to use someone else graphics. I don't know much about OGRE but I guess it will probably take a few years. A wild guess is 3-10 years. Someone who have used OGRE can probably give you a better answer.
closed account (Szy6URfi)
Thank's for your reply. I have also sent this topic to someone at OGRE, and I will wait for there reply to.

It will not take you long if you have an understanding of how graphics work. Since you know the basics of CPP and you already know what you want, you could have a Pre-alpha copy of your game running within 6 months IF, and only if, your dedicated to your project. This is where a lot of people fail, no dedication.

Things you NEED to know if your making a C++ multiplayer game :

What type of Game
Graphic programing
Understanding of Shaders ( GLSL and / or HLSL )
3D Modeling and Animations ( You must know some basics of this if you want to use models in your game )
Scripting Language such as Python or Lua ( This is not a must to know, but it does come in handy )
TCP / UDP Networking ( This is what I'm trying to learn now. I know the above info already. )

There is probably more I could add, but this is the gist of it.

I too am working on my own idea for a game, but one thing I am having to learn is networking. It seems to be the hardest subject for me to grasp. I am using C++ with OpenGL / FreeGlut because I personally do not like using front ends, like Ogre 3D for example. But that's my own personal opinion. I am using the Code::Blocks IDE.

If your new to all this, then as some of the above comments have said, it could take you a few years before you can make something. Do not let that stop you from trying though. Keep at it. Its taken me a year to grasp an understanding of how games work. ( I even made a demo ) Although I have been in Graphic Modeling and Animations since 2000.
closed account (Szy6URfi)
Thank's for your comment.

I don't really know what software I'll be using, like to make the player models, maps, buildings etc...

But, I've seen that there are lots of videos on YouTube where people have made there own game in C++.

Ogre looks like it has lots of tutorials, so I'll probably be sticking to that. Somewhere in the near future, I would like to develop games on my own (self-employed) and then retail them much like what 'Notch' did.

On another note, there is one language that I do know and I'm advanced in it. It's known as PAWN, but, comparing it to C++, PAWN scripts are just like learning the alphabet, I use PAWN to make SA-MP scripts (San Andreas Multiplayer). Here is a little code I did back when I was just starting to learn SA-MP.


And once again, thank's for the comments.

EDIT: Is it true I can use OpenGL and Ogre together? Like in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujnkAQ52t0Y
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Yes you can. However you have to understand HOW its doing it. Keep in mind, OGRE is a front end Graphics Engine. OpenGL is just an API. Meaning you call the functions from OpenGL, but in OGRE it has all its own set of functions, but its built to be an engine, not just functions to call. Ogre is great to learn from. However, you will end up having to Learn DirectX or OpenGL in the long run do to fine tuning your application. Again, Ogre is a front end to make your life easier, but it in itself still calls OpenGL or DirectX API calls, depending on how you set it up. You'll understand once you get into it more.

I would like to add, OpenGL has a free wrapper library known as FreeGlut that, in some cases, is made to work with front end engines such as Ogre. If you see Glut / Glut32 / FreeGlut, this means that whatever code your working with is wanting to talk to the OpenGL library and it is asking for one of those three libraries to talk to it. I personally use freeGlut. Its free and constantly being updated, which is great. Glut, and Glut32 are from 2001 and are outdated and no longer supported.
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