looking to make a game

I'm a first year comp sci student, and just finished my first term, which was primarily focused on c++ programming. I'm sure that there is a lot of stuff that I don't know about the language yet, but I do consider myself to be pretty good with the basics.

I've made a text-based rpg so far the just uses the console, and other than not being quite 'balanced' it all works well and does exactly what I wanted it to - including having various 'equipment' slots, several items for each slots, potions, random loot from battles, etc.

so, I'm looking to try moving up to the next level, and making an rpg with graphics. I'm not looking to do anything super complex, but just something like a simple snes-style rpg, overhead character view in the center of the screen, and moving through some fairly linear dungeons.

however, I don't know where to begin or how to go about doing something with graphics. if anyone that knows anything about how to get started, and could get me started on the right track, it'd be appreciated. thanks!
The favorite of the forum is sfml : http://www.sfml-dev.org/tutorials/1.6/

My favorite is sdl : http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/index.php

Both of these are libraries, which allow you to place images on the screen, utilize audio, and gather user input, among other useful things.

Here are some forums you may want to become active in if you're going into game development :


And of course this forum.
Very nice ! How about OpenGL ?
can someone help me setting up sdl?
Yes, I would highly recommend OpenGL for beginners, check out this link http://nehe.gamedev.net/tutorial/lessons_01__05/22004/ Click on the pictures to open the link.
sfml will get you up and running fast. imho the biggest thing that holds back isnt even the programming but the game assets. its hard getting the artwork you need. some brush by using placement art. existing art they wont keep. but it still hard and disappointing.
Isn't OpenGL a bit hard to start with? I would recommend SDL, or SFML (even though I don't like it).

can someone help me setting up sdl?
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see i tried that but its for xcode 3.2 and I followed it word for word but that setup doesn't work in 4.2
I would not recommend opengl for beginners.

It should be a goal, if you are going to go into game programming, I highly recommend learning it, you'll love it. However starting up with it is very difficult, especially if you have no previous experience with libraries. You may or may not have to build several things from source, depending on your setup (mingw: yes).

4.2 is a bit different. One thing that I don't know if he covers is the file bundle, are the images just not showing up? What's the error. "Doesn't work" isn't super explanatory =]

so i follow the steps word for word, but the files paths are different on my macbook so I had to make my own and then followed the rest of the instructions but sdl wasn't there
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