dumb question- multiple inputs

Hello C++ newbie here. I am creating a virtual dyno program. I can't even get multiple pieces of data stored at once. So far when I execute the program, it allows me to input data for the first item, but then skips all the others. How do I get it to pause at each section?

int make;
int model;
int year;
int weight0;
int whp0;
int sixtyft0;

cout << "Enter vehicle make: ";
cin >> make;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter vehicle model: ";
cin >> model;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter vehicle year: ";
cin >> year;
cout << endl;


There is nothing wrong with that code if you just put it inside a function and include <iostream>.
I did, sorry I didn't show my whole code. The entire code so far goes as follows:

// SH big project.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

int make;
int model;
int year;
int weight0;
int whp0;
int sixtyft0;

cout << "Enter vehicle make: ";
cin >> make;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter vehicle model: ";
cin >> model;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter vehicle year: ";
cin >> year;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter estimated vehicle weight: ";
cin >> weight0;
cout << endl;

cout << "Enter estimated wheel-horsepower: ";
cin >> whp0;
cout << endl;

cout << "(The 60ft. is an indicator of traction. For a car with average traction, the 60ft. will be about 1.9 sec. 60ft. Times range from 1.4sec to 2.3sec.)";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter estimated 60ft. time: ";
cin >> sixtyft0;
cout << endl;


return 0;
All the variable are integers so as long as you only enter integers there is no problem. Maybe you want things like model to be strings.
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