GUI programming

Hey all. I was wondering how much harder is GUI programming compared to console programming? Also, when is it a good time to make the jump to the GUI?
GUI Is much harder I would suggest learning the basics first of C++. But if you are still interested
If you are using mac I am sorry I do not know any tutorials for mac
Hope this helps :)
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If you understand the language you are programming in, it should not be too difficult to learn GUI programming. Basically just a little more reading from APIs and such, but its not that hard of a switch. I would personally recommend switching only after you have the basics of the language mastered.
I am going to be in the console for a long time still. I have the basics down (I'm currently studying operator overloading) but I know that doesn't mean I can jump to the GUI. I personally view the console as the humble beginning before jumping to other interfaces.
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For C++ GUI we need to pick a GUI library to use. But most of them has an event-driven programming model in comparison to console "sequential execution and jump in/out function" model. In Java they loosely coined it as set of event listener. In C++ they loosely coined it as set of callbacks. And for Windows, the most primitive basic is a gigantic switch or if-else-if statement to listen for Windows messages coming in and then processing.

So I would say use console to learn the basics get it right first and then jump into the GUI world to learn their new "programming models" but their syntax and function calling etc remain same as console kind.
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