I am trying to make a computer game with a login page.
Basicly I want a binary file to keep track of people's usernames and passwords.
I am a beginner so I need help with the binary part; is there a way it can just record:
1 2
char username[20];
char password[20];
*note I know I used char instead of string. I don't think it matters but correct me elsewise.
Is it possible to create a username and password database that is encoded and how would you be able to do it. please explain in detail ish. i am unexperienced to programming but i know the basics. :)
Okay, so what I'm trying to do is create a game that has avatars. I want a database to record the usernames and passwords, so I can login to that and it will load something.
everytime I see the binary files(http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/) It talks about the size.