redeclation even tho ive removed the other
May 12, 2023 at 2:44am
its saying that ive redclared it and i already saved it but it still says that ive redclared it its at line 12 related to line 24
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class database{
int choice;
string acc,pass,add,delte,modify;
string logging = "gabbz29";
int pass = 387025;
void menu();
void database::menu(){
cout << "Enter your account name: ";
cin >> logging;
cout << "Enter your password: ";
cin >> pass;
while(!(logging == "gabbz29" || pass == 387025)){
cout << "Check the information that you provided and try again.\n\n";
cin.ignore(100 , '\n');
cout << "Enter your account name: ";
cin >> logging;
cout << "Enter your password: ";
cin >> pass;
//Main menu
cout << "--------------Database Menu--------------\n";
cout << "Add an account.\n";
cout << "View your accounts.\n";
int main(){
database alldata;;
May 12, 2023 at 4:20am
So what's that string called pass on line 8 doing?
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