About ASCII extended code

I just found two different ASCII code table, I am asking the following:

1: How many ASCII extended table are there?

2: Where can I find them?

The term "Extended ASCII" is a bit imprecise. The ASCII standard was never extended. I think most of the time it refers to ISO 8859-1 or Windows-1252 but it could refer to any 8-bit character encoding that is compatible with ASCII.

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The term "Extended ASCII" is a bit imprecise.
Thanks @peter for correcting me, and funny story, all the links you gave are all visited. I do not know how I am gonna tackle this issue, but this may help.

In this link https://www.asciitable.com/ , the table labeled as" Extended ASCII Codes" is exactly what I have when I print all my 256, I think those are different from Windows-1252 and and iso 8859-1.

is there a name in the link I provide
The image says "Source: www.LookupTables.com" so I looked it up.

Below is the CP437 (Code Page 437) version which was present on the original IBM PC, based on characters used in Wang word processing machines.
so I looked it up.
Genius, I need to learn some looking up too)

I am encountering only one problem, I cannot get the control character to be output like the one in this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437

I tried SetConsoleOutputCP(437); but without any solution.

Note: this topic is derived one from: https://legacy.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/284876/
Other Note: the topic is not closed yet, I am still doing some reading
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The Windows-specific details are not really my area of expertise. Perhaps someone can chip in.
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Well then I am the most thankful for your concerns.

I am also posting this issue in stackovercrap.com(pardon the expression), I hope to get help from there
command chcp will show the active console code page
chcp nnn will set the active console code page to that specified

For my Windows 7, the default active code page is 850

chcp 437
will change it to page 437
First thanks for the command, first time I know that

Is shows 437)

I still do not get the smiley face when I run std::cout << char(1) << std::endl;

From stackoverflow this is one comment that gives a bit of information

I don't think modern console fonts really care about the IBM PC code page anymore. At least, not those special glyphs for control characters.
With 437 as the active code page, this will display the smiley:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
	std::cout << char(1);

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I think what you're discussing here is when running the program from the Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe). If the output gets displayed inside an IDE it might perhaps work differently?
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This is my output in both cmd with @seeplus command and my code to output all ascii character


for(int i=0;i<256;i++)
   cout << char(i) << ((i+1)%32?' ':'\n');

Clearly i do not get the character i wanted, even tho my cp is 437
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