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Hello. I am having a bit of a logic error with my code.
This is challenge 16 from chapter 13 from starting out with c++ 9th edition.
Program Output:
The temperature ethyl:
#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
// Create a class called TempPoints
class TempPoints
int temperature;
int isEthylFreezing(int);
int isEthylBoiling(int);
int isOxygenFreezing(int);
int isOxygenBoiling(int);
int isWaterFreezing(int);
int isWaterBoiling(int);
void setTemperature(int);
int getTemperature();
// Default constructor
int temperature = 0;
// Determine if Ethyl alcohol is freezing
int TempPoints::isEthylFreezing(int ethylCold)
if (ethylCold <= -173)
cout << "The ethyl's temperature is cold" << endl;
// Determine if the Ethyl alcohol is boiling
int TempPoints::isEthylBoiling(int ethylHot)
if (ethylHot >= 172)
cout << "The ethyl's temperature is hot" << endl;
// Determine if the oxygen is freezing
int TempPoints::isOxygenFreezing(int oxyCold)
if (oxyCold <= -362)
cout << "The oxygen's temperature is cold" << endl;
// Determine if the oxygen is boiling
int TempPoints::isOxygenBoiling(int oxyHot)
if (oxyHot >= -306)
cout << "The oxygen's temperature is hot" << endl;
// Determine if the water is freezing
int TempPoints::isWaterFreezing(int coldWater)
if (coldWater <= 32)
cout << "The water's temperature is cold" << endl;
// Determine if the water is boiling
int TempPoints::isWaterBoiling(int hotWater)
if (hotWater >= 212)
cout << "The water's temperature is hot" << endl;
// Set up the temperature
void TempPoints::setTemperature(int temp)
temperature = temp;
// Retrieve the temperature
int TempPoints::getTemperature()
return temperature;
// Prompt the user to enter the temperature for the following
void printTempInfo(TempPoints &tempInput)
int ethyl, oxygen, water;
cout << "Temperature for ethyl: ";
cin >> ethyl;
cout << "Temperature for oxygen: ";
cin >> oxygen;
cout << "Temperature for water: ";
cin >> water;
// Evaluate the temperature conditions for each item
void printTempPoints(TempPoints tempAmounts)
int ethyl, oxygen, water;
if (tempAmounts.isEthylFreezing(ethyl))
cout << tempAmounts.isEthylFreezing(ethyl) << endl;
if (tempAmounts.isEthylBoiling(ethyl))
cout << tempAmounts.isEthylBoiling(ethyl) << endl;
if (tempAmounts.isOxygenFreezing(oxygen))
cout << tempAmounts.isOxygenFreezing(oxygen)<< endl;
if (tempAmounts.isOxygenBoiling(oxygen))
cout << tempAmounts.isOxygenBoiling(oxygen) << endl;
if (tempAmounts.isWaterFreezing(water))
cout << tempAmounts.isWaterFreezing(water) << endl;
if (tempAmounts.isWaterBoiling(water))
cout << tempAmounts.isWaterBoiling(water) << endl;
1. Thank you for using code tags, they really help.
2. You accidentally double-posted your code, you should delete the 2nd copy. (delete lines 160-319)
3. You are using uninitialized variables in printTempPoints(). Where are you getting the values?
printTempInfo() looks like it is used to get the values, not printing temperature information as the function name might indicate, but the variables in that function are locally scoped to that function only.
5. I wouldn't have a function's return type as int if it were returning a Boolean value (true/false).
It isn't wrong/bad, the intent would be better if the return type is bool.
There are several different ways to rewrite/refactor the code, depending on how complex you want to make the class. I don't own the book you are using, so I can't really comment on what the program is trying to teach.
Instead of having a separate isFooFreezing() and isFooBoiling() for each compound in your class, consider having just oneisFreezing() and oneisBoiling() function. The freezing/boiling temperature can be passed into the class in the constructor. Then create one instance (object) of your class for each compound:
Is oxygen boiling at 666? --> yes
Is oxygen freezing at 666? --> no
Is water boiling at 666? --> yes
Is water freezing at 666? --> no
Is oxygen boiling at 42? --> yes
Is oxygen freezing at 42? --> no
Is water boiling at 42? --> no
Is water freezing at 42? --> no
Is oxygen boiling at -333? --> no
Is oxygen freezing at -333? --> no
Is water boiling at -333? --> no
Is water freezing at -333? --> yes
Is oxygen boiling at -666? --> no
Is oxygen freezing at -666? --> yes
Is water boiling at -666? --> no
Is water freezing at -666? --> yes
ethyl at 666 is a gas
oxygen at 666 is a gas
water at 666 is a gas
ethyl at 42 is a liquid
oxygen at 42 is a gas
water at 42 is a liquid
ethyl at -333 is a solid
oxygen at -333 is a liquid
water at -333 is a solid
ethyl at -666 is a solid
oxygen at -666 is a solid
water at -666 is a solid
The textbook requires that I have a freezing and boiling function individually for water, ethyl, and oxygen. The challenge is chapter 13 the introduction on classes. So I am not sure if I could use the suggestions you are offering since it doesn't follow the details of the problem properly.
Chapter 13(Introduction to Classes):
Challenge # 13: Freezing and Boiling Points
The problem states following:
Design a class called temperature with the appropriate accessor and mutator functions.
The member functions:
isEthylFreezing - This function only returns true if ethyl is freezing otherwise false.
isEthylBoiling - This function only returns true if ethyl is boiling otherwise false.
isOxygenFreezing - This function only returns true if oxygen is freezing otherwise false.
isOxygenBoiling - This function only returns true if ethyl is freezing otherwize false.
isWaterFreezing - This function only returns true if ethyl is freezing otherwise false.
isWaterBoiling - This function only returns true if ethyl is freezing otherwise false.
Write a program that designs a class. The program should ask the user to enter the temperature and display the list of substances that will either freeze or boil at that temperature. For example, if the user enters -20 the class would report that the water freezes and the oxygen will boil.
This is the logic error I was stating earlier in my previous post.
Program Output:
Temperature for ethyl: 12
Temperature for oxygen: 12
Temperature for water: 13
The oxygen's temperature is hot
The oxygen's temperature is hot
The temperature's water is cold.
The temperature's water is cold
The table the book uses Substance
Ethyl Alcohol
Having separate functions (or separate classes) only makes sense if they actually implement a different logic. Having two or more functions (or classes) that basically do the same thing, just with different "built-in" constants, is a good example of how to not do things! It's redundant "copy & paste" code that bloats your program for no good reason. This makes you program harder to read and harder to maintain...
Whenever possible, you should try to generalize and parameterize things. So, instead of having n separate functions (or classes) that all do the same thing (except for some implicit constants), you should have just one function (or class) that can be parameterized as needed. In other words, make the implicit constant an explicit parameter. This makes your program a whole lot shorter. And, if you need to change or fix your code, then you need to do this in exactly one place – rather than having to change/fix your program in n separate places.
Really, I have seen too many "real world" projects where people created a complete copy of a 1000 lines "spaghetti code" function, just to change one tiny detail. Of course, there were bugs in the "original" function that ended up in the "copy" of that function too. And, of course, when those bugs later were fixed (by another person), it was only fixed it in the "original" function, but not in the "copy" of that function; other person did not scan the whole project for slightly modified copies of the same function that they just fixed. Needless to say, both functions were called in production code. Working with such project is a nightmare for programmer...
I was thinking of what you just mentioned.
I just wasn't sure if it made sense since the problem told to me to do that way.
I will try your suggestion and post an update.
I have made some improvements however the issue I is when I input a value and the computer set the degrees to 0 for Farhenheit. I realize its because I haven't enter anything that deals with the print function I made.
Program Output:
Enter a temperature in Fahrenheit: 32
These substances are freezing at 0 degrees F:
These substances are boiling at 0 degrees F:
Press any key to continue...