delete is part of a new/delete pairing. if you do not use new, you should not use delete.
new is a request to the operating system for a block of memory outside the program's normal operating memory space. Delete gives it back to the OS, as you are done with it. This is 'dynamic memory' and best avoided (let C++ containers do it for you most of the time), which is a subset of the many ways to use pointer variable types.
@OP It appears you are using CRUD as in database-speak. The reason your delete doesn’t work is because ‘delete’ is a C++ keyword and you are mis-using it. Since you are storing the data items in a vector the correct operation is to erase the item. You need to read up on the <vector> reference material for the erase() function. Use a better interface function name than Delete or especially delete or Erase or erase ... delete_an_item() maybe.
You might also like to consider encapsulating the various grades in a single structure or class because on first glance it appears your data model using a single vector to store separate grades is no good.
You can easily consolidate, simplify and make clearer a lot of your code using a switch associated with your menu.
Best advice is to post the question you have been asked exactly as it is in your assignment. You will be able to erase a value but I suspect your data model is going to presents you with nightmares.
However, if you have a <vector> of integers, putting aside all your assignment stuff, the way to erase an item from the vector is described in the reference on this site, amongst zillions of others. Like this one, the good ones have examples to support the explanations.
This might be useful as a start to solving a few riddles but in now way is complete. A single <vector> of int's is possible but hardly practical. Parallel <vector>'s could be a solution. A vector of StudentRecords is ideal.
Not the full story but ...
By concentrating code on individual processes with functions and sub menus it's pretty straightforward to make a workable database even save the list of records to/from permanent storage
C - create new record
R - read an existing record
U - update an existing record
D - delete an existing record
Q - quit
Please enter selection: c
Menu selection is: c -> Selection is: C -> Create a record(s)
No. of students 3
C - create new record
R - read an existing record
U - update an existing record
D - delete an existing record
Q - quit
Please enter selection: r
Menu selection is: r -> Selection is: R -> Read a record
All students names and final grades
??? 0
Betty 97.5833
Bill 51.4167
C - create new record
R - read an existing record
U - update an existing record
D - delete an existing record
Q - quit
Please enter selection: q
Menu selection is: q -> Program terminated
Program ended with exit code: 0