Find the harmonic mean
Hi! I'm having trouble with my code. We were tasked to find the harmonic mean.
Harmonic Mean = n / 1/x1 + 1/x2 ...
The n will be the user's input.
The x1, x2, ... is also the user's input but the number of x's is the same as n.
Thank you so much for helping!
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
double harmonic_mean(int arr[], int n);
int main(){
int n,k;
double arr[n];
for(int i=0; i<n; i++){
cout << harmonic_mean(arr,n);
return 0;
double harmonic_mean(int arr[], int n){
double harm_mean = 0,k=0, l;
l = 1/arr;
k = l++;
harm_mean = n / k;
return harm_mean;
L9 is not standard C++. It's accepted by some compilers as a non-standard language extension - but major compilers such as MS don't.
arr is defined as double in main() but is defined as int as the argument to harmonic_mean()! The types need to be the same.
Also, you need a loop in harmonic_mean() to iterate over the values. Consider:
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#include <iostream>
double harmonic_mean(const double arr[], size_t n);
constexpr size_t maxn {50};
int main() {
double arr[maxn] {};
size_t n {};
std::cout << "Enter number of values: ";
std::cin >> n;
std::cout << "Enter values: ";
for (size_t i = 0; i < n && i < maxn; ++i)
std::cin >> arr[i];
std::cout << "harmonic mean is " << harmonic_mean(arr, n) << '\n';
double harmonic_mean(const double arr[], size_t n) {
double harm_mean {};
for (size_t e = 0; e < n; ++e)
harm_mean += 1.0 / arr[e];
return n / harm_mean;
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Your harmonic mean function should use
double arr[]
, not
int arr[]
In your harmonic mean function, replace
with a
loop (similar to that in your input) that successively adds
to the sum of reciprocals, k.
But you could also do it straight from an array:
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#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n;
cout << "Enter n: "; cin >> n;
valarray<double> arr( n );
cout << "Enter " << n << " values: ";
for ( double &e : arr ) cin >> e;
cout << "Harmonic mean is " << n / ( 1.0 / arr ).sum();
Enter n: 3
Enter 3 values: 2 3 4
Harmonic mean is 2.76923 |
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The std::valarray is rather unique type in standard library; it has much more "math-oriented syntactic sugar".
std::vector is the "normal array" for modern C++. Resizable:
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
double harmonic_mean( const vector<double>& );
int main(){
int n;
cout << "Enter n: "; cin >> n;
vector<double> arr;
arr.reserve( n );
cout << "Enter " << n << " values: ";
double e {};
while ( arr.size() < n && cin >> e ) arr.emplace_back( e );
cout << "Harmonic mean is " << harmonic_mean( arr ) << '\n';
double harmonic_mean( const vector<double>& values ) {
if ( values.empty() ) return 0;
double harm_mean {};
for ( double e ; values ) harm_mean += 1.0 / e;
return values.size() / harm_mean;
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