Does the fact that D3 is repeated twice mean anything?
If you just need to count the number of 'diagnoses', you don't need a multimap; a simple map<string, int> would do.
You appear to have some functions written, but you don't call them from main. What is the problem you're having?
Your multimorbidity function claims to return a multimap<string, string, ltstr>, but you never return anything from this function.
Note that a multimap is not a map. Again, I don't think you need to use a multimap here.
- rida.lenght(); and this is just simple typos you need to watch out for.
- what is an 'ltstr'? (line 38)
- where is 'rida' even defined?
int main(){
string newfile = "multimorbiidsus.txt";
vector<string> patients = read_file();
write_file(patients, newfile);
return 0;
This is the earlier version of the code, in the original I posted, I've started to try to implement "map"
The issue is I'm having a difficult time getting anything to work, I'm not exactly sure or how I should get on with it :D