i was curious and found a code for a basic eliza chatbot in c++ three files total.
with use of boost library however when i run it i get many warnings and an error messages... in msvc++ it works good but not when i copy it to codeblock using mingw 64 bit compiler i get these error / warning messages :
the warning and errors list is massive to long to post here
i'm using codeblocks with minGW 64 bit compiler and boost c++ lib.
the code also is very long so let me just give you the url to the source code:
http://www.martinbroadhurst.com/eliza-in-c.html [/URL]
basically a lot of warnings and a few errors:
here are the errors i find when trying to compile:
D:\repo\cpp_codeblocks_projects\cpp_eliza_chatbot_test1\eliza_chatbot_text1\eliza.hpp|74|error: extra ';' [-Wpedantic]|
C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\lib\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\8.1.0\include\c++\bits\stl_iterator_base_types.h|162| recursively required by substitution of 'template<class _Iterator> struct std::__iterator_traits<_Iterator, std::__void_t<typename _Iterator::iterator_category, typename _Iterator::value_type, typename _Iterator::difference_type, typename _Iterator::pointer, typename _Iterator::reference> > [with _Iterator = boost::algorithm::split_iterator<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<const char*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> > >]'|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits.hpp|169| [ skipping 2 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits.hpp|169| [ skipping 2 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits.hpp|75| [ skipping 3 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\cpp_regex_traits.hpp|926| [ skipping 4 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits.hpp|169| [ skipping 2 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits.hpp|169| [ skipping 2 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\regex_traits.hpp|75| [ skipping 3 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|
D:\boost_codeblocks\boost_1_74_0\boost\regex\v4\cpp_regex_traits.hpp|926| [ skipping 4 instantiation contexts, use -ftemplate-backtrace-limit=0 to disable ]|