Not respondig c++

After 5-10 mins of coding, code blocks is not responding.

Can someone help me ?

the only way I can solve this is just quitting the code blocks and restart again..

Using a mac: 2015, i5, 8 ram, 10.13 high sierra.
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Maybe somebody here can help you, but I think you'd have better luck by posting on the actual Code Blocks forum (and providing as much detail as possible).
Help forum (for Code Blocks, not programming):
Does it do it when you try to execute certain code? does it do it with just a simple hello world program? Sometimes if I have code that has undefined behavior I notice Visual Studio will hang and not respond for a minute or two.
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OP followed my advice and posted here:,24340.0.html

Although, I don't think yelling at the forum-goers in bold all-caps is a nice way to start a thread.

Unless you are required to turn in a code blocks project with your code, you don't need to use Code Blocks. You can just invoke g++ directly from the terminal. Just make sure g++ is on your path. (Or clang++, or whatever)

#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";

g++ -Wall hello.cpp -o hello
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But what if updating the program fixes the issue? lol.
How do you get into the links given on this thread (?) when I click on any of them I get the following,
404 - Component not found
You may not be able to visit this page because of:
an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
a mistyped address
you have no access to this page
The requested resource was not found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.
Please try one of the following pages:
Home Page
If difficulties persist, please contact the System Administrator of this site.
and when I go to Codeblocks home page and click the forum link it just takes me back to the home page (?) is the forum shut down?
All the codeblock links work for me (using firefox).
Well I downloaded and installed CodeBlocks and kinda stumped getting into the Codeblocks Forum. If I click on the visit Forum link inside of Codeblocks it takes me to,
So I look for the Forum but see none, but see a Menu heading at top says Forums,
I click that and nothing happens, same page (but no Forum, just other stuff).
So I look over to left menus and click Forums, nothing, same page. I tried both Firefox and MS Edge (win10).
So I search and only find one reference to this on Youtube where a guy with a video showing how he puts 2 projects in one workspace of CodeBlocks. At first part of video he has very similar issue getting into the Forum. But he just continues with his excellent video on the 2 projects and doesn't say if he ever got into the forum. His video is at,
I kinda would really like to get into the forum.
You're right, there's something messed up here.
It appears the https version of the Code Blocks forum is just inaccessible.
You need to specifically have the http version, without the 's' for it work (at least on my browser).

You can see that the page normally looks something like:
Infrastructure migration.

If you go to the main C::B site the forums are still there. Using unsecure http:
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Thanks for the replies, apparently if you don't already have an account there you're out of luck for the time being. When I went to the it will show but if you click any of the links to anywere else including Register, it either takes you back to CodeBlocks home https page or a "file not found msg". Hope they get it fixed soon. Don't know if the guy in the video was from this migration but his video was posted on Youtube back in May 4, 2020. Anyhow, thanks again.
The archive link is for the OLD C::B forums. Don't go there.

The new C::B forums are at [http, NOT https]

The C::B site did some infrastructure migration with a new main page look, the admin gerbils changed links from the old site layout.

I wish they'd bring back the plugins page, I can't seem to find it with the new layout.

YYMV, but the new main page look is nice. Clean and sparse.
rw, i only showed the archive link to give an idea to anyone confused as to what the site normally looks like. FurryGuy's previous post had already explained that some sort of migration was happening, and you need to use http and not https.
Thanks Furry Guy and Ganado, and yesterday I was able to get to the http site (not s) at,
But today I was clicking on some http forum links in a duckduckgo search and they took me back to the https site home site again.
So copied the base
and pasted it just now (March 3, 2021 at 9:38am) into Firefox and it took me to
the httpS again at,
It's crazy, what's going on at this point.
(Edit Feb to March on above date)
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