Error in folder

I got an error below:
Check that the file qtr2finalgrades_sys019.dat is in
the same folder as your source code..


The actual thing you should check is if your file is in the same folder as your current working directory.

If you're on windows, you can do
system("cd"); to print the current directory. That is where your file should be moved to.

On *nix, do system("pwd");

(only leave in these system calls temporarily for debugging purposes; don't leave them in the final submission)
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thank you much
Im just highlighting the code and run it..i have a apple mac computer..Am i doing it right>>>
I have no idea what you mean.
i mean the source code file is in the same folder as the .dat I open the file with the source code highlight the codes and run it... how do you run a source code file ?..after compiling it it does not have an error. sorry i really do not know much about C++ just starting...I appreciate your patience...Rodison

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