Why can't I type std::cout in std::cout?

I'm trying to make a translator of sorts that asks you what Python keyword you want to find the C++ equivalent of.

std::cout << "The equivalent of 'print()' in Python is C++ is: ";
std::cout << "std::cout\n";
std::cout << "Syntax: std::cout << "Hello"\n";

When it's time to run this section of code, it returns with exit code 0. Why?
Your section of code doesn't compile, so you might want to double-check that. You might be running an old version of the code and not knowing it.

Did you mean,
std::cout << "Syntax: std::cout << \"Hello\"\n";

You have to escape the quotes that are actually printed (\").
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adjust your IDE so you see the difference between string literals, keywords and variable names
for example, you could use colour or made them bold or italics

> it returns with exit code 0.
0 means success (but as Ganado said, your code doesn't even compile so you are not running it)
Thanks! I changed the line of code. It turns out that there was another undetected error in a section of code that I didn't include here. Thanks for your answers and patience :)
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