Everything "works". It just does a different thing.
Lets first recap for and while:
The for loop syntax:
for ( initialization; condition; increase ) statement;
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for ( size_t i = NumBits; i > 0; i-- )
// use i
// does (almost) same as
size_t i = NumBits;
while ( i > 0 )
// use i
increase evaluates
after the statement.
Your mystery loop, written as while loop:
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size_t i = NumBits;
while ( i-- > 0 )
// use i
evaluates when the
condition is evaluated,
before the statement.
What does the condition
i-- > 0
For one, we do get a bool value, like we had done:
1 2
bool condition = ( i-- > 0 );
// use condition
The postfix operator-- has higher priority than the relational >. We could add parentheses to make it clear:
1 2
bool condition = ( (i--) > 0 );
// use condition
What does the postfix operator-- do? Two things:
1. It modifies the operand, like you had written
i = i - 1;
2. It returns a value
How do prefix and postfix decrements differ? They return different value.
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// prefix (--i)
i = i - 1;
value = i;
return value;
// postfix (i--)
value = i;
i = i - 1;
return value;
The postfix returns the
original value.
Now we can expand our condition:
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bool condition = ( i > 0 );
// use condition
Put that into while loop:
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size_t i = NumBits;
while ( i > 0 )
// use i
And for:
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for ( size_t i = NumBits; i > 0; )
// use i
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for ( size_t i = NumBits; i > 0; i-- )
// use i-1