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// Scholarships.cpp
// This program tutorial demonstrates arrays using vectors
// It also demonstrates file I/O techniques with vectors
// and making arrays of objects
// The Datafile used in a CSV (Comma Seperated Values) file
// named Scholarships.csv
// The structor of the data file is:
// ID, Amount Awarded, Scholarship Type, Length of Scholarship, Date Starts, Last Name, First Name
#include "scholarships.h"
int main()
string sFileLine; // a string to read in each line of the file
vector<string> sParsedLine; // array to hold the parsed line from file
vector<Scholarship> scholars; // this object is initialized using default constructor
// the default construtor
// Open input and output files and test to make sure they openned correctly
ifstream fin;
ofstream fout;
OpenFiles(fin, fout);
//Read a line from the file and push onto end of scholars
scholars.push_back(readFile(sFileLine, sParsedLine, fin));
int sArraySize = scholars.size(); // Get the size of the array
for(int i = 0; i < sArraySize; i++)
writeFile(scholars[i], fout); // Write a line to the output file
// Write the summary report to the end of the output file by calling the
// summary function and passing both the array of objects and the
// file handle to the function
createReportSummary(scholars, fout);
// Close the original output report to reuse its file handler
// and not overwrite the original output report
if (!fout)
cout << "Output file did not open. Program will exit." << endl;
// Ask the user for the specific report
string sType;
cout << "What spacific type of scholarship would you like a report on?\n";
cin >> sType;
cout << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < sArraySize; i++)
writeFile(scholars[i], fout, sType); // Write a line to the output file
return 0;
void OpenFiles(ifstream &in, ofstream &out) // must be passed in by reference
cout << "Input file did not open. Program will exit." << endl;
cout << "Output file did not open. Program will exit." << endl;
Scholarship readFile(string &sLine, // Pass in by reference to change string in main()
vector<string> &sParsed, // Pass in by reference to change array in main()
ifstream &fin) // Also pass in the input file buffer by ref to read from
stringstream lineStream(sLine); // A special string class for pre-output formatting
string field;
sParsed.clear(); // Empty the Parsed Line for reuse
while(getline(lineStream,field,',')) // While there are fields between the ,
sParsed.push_back(field); // Push them onto the string array vector
// return a Scholarship object copy created with the initialization construction
return Scholarship(sParsed[0], stoi(sParsed[1]), sParsed[2],
sParsed[3], sParsed[4], sParsed[5], sParsed[6]);
void writeFile(Scholarship s, // Pass in by value- no need to change string in main()
ofstream &fout) // Also pass in the output file buffer by ref to write to
fout << s.getID() << " " << s.getAmount() << " " << s.getType()
<< s.getLength() << " " << s.getDate() << " " << s.getFname()
<< " " << s.getLname() << endl;
void createReportHeadings(ofstream &fout)
fout << "******************************Scholarships Report*****************************\n"
<< "******************************************************************************\n\n"
<< "ID Amount Type Length Starts First Name Last Name\n"
<< "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
string addCommas(int num) // Adds commas to any number for formatted output to report files
string s = to_string(num); // Convert the number to string to hold the formatted number
// Insert commas from right (at implied decimal point) to left
int sSize = s.size(); // Index to last digit
if (sSize > 3)
for (int i = (sSize - 3); i > 0; i -= 3)
s.insert(i, ",");
return s;
void createReportSummary(vector<Scholarship> sArray, // Pass by value (copy) the entire array
ofstream &fout) // Pass the output file by reference
int total = 0; // Accumulator for total amount
int sArraySize = sArray.size(); // Get the size of the array
// Accumulators for type totals
int baseTotal = 0, baskTotal = 0, dTotal = 0, fTotal = 0, gTotal = 0, softTotal = 0,
swimTotal = 0, tTotal = 0, vTotal = 0;
// Loop through the array to accumulate the total amount of all scholarships
for (int i = 0; i < sArraySize; i++)
total += sArray[i].getAmount(); // Add the Amount of each scholarship to the total
string sType = sArray[i].getType(); // Get the type of scholarship for this record
// Add the Type's Amount to the appropriate accumulator
if (sType == "Baseball") baseTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Basketball") baskTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Diving") dTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Football") fTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Golf") gTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Softball") softTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Swimming") swimTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Track") tTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
else if (sType == "Volleyball") vTotal += sArray[i].getAmount();
// Write the summary report output line
fout << "\n\nSummary Report \n"
<< "--------------\n"
<< " Total Number of Scholarships: "
<< right << setw(12) << sArraySize << endl
<< " Baseball: $ "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(baseTotal) << endl
<< " Basketball: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(baskTotal) << endl
<< " Diving: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(dTotal) << endl
<< " Football: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(fTotal) << endl
<< " Golf: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(gTotal) << endl
<< " Softball: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(softTotal) << endl
<< " Swimming: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(swimTotal) << endl
<< " Track: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(tTotal) << endl
<< " Volleyball: "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(vTotal) << endl
<< " ===========================================\n"
<< " Total Scholarship Amount: $ "
<< setw(11) << addCommas(total);
// Overloaded function for report of specific type of scholarship
void writeFile(Scholarship s, // Pass in by value no need to change string in main()
ofstream &fout, // Also pass in the output file buffer by ref to write to
string sType) // Pass in by value the type of scholarship
static int lineCount = 60;
if (lineCount == 60) // Ready for next page
fout << endl; //
lineCount = 0;
if (sType == s.getType())
fout << s.getID() << right << setw(10) << addCommas(s.getAmount())
<< " " << left << setw(12) << s.getType()
<< setw(10) << s.getLength() << right << setw(10) << s.getDate()
<< " " << left << setw(15) << s.getFname() << s.getLname() << endl;