Hello Eto,
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I found the second link to be the most help.
I have been working with your program for awhile and found it does work, but needs a couple of tweaks.
You have two if statements with the format of:
if ('0' <= hStr[i] <= '9')
. This may look good on paper, but does not translate into code that works. For this I have most often seen and used:
if ('0' >= hStr[i] || hStr[i] <= '9')
. Notice the lhs of the (||) is (>=) for both. Since you are looking for something between (0) and (9) or (A) and (F). As an example anything < "A", i.e., between 33 and 64 dec. would be considered true. Then when you try to convert that into a decimal number it would be a problem.
In the function "getDecimalForm" I found that the two if statements worked better as an if/else if statement.
After you define your variables, in main, you might want to consider something like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
cout << "\n Input 8 hex numbers (12A45F78): ";
while (cin >> hexadecimal && hexadecimal.size() != 8)
std::cout << "\n Invalid hex number!\n Must be 8 characters." << std::endl;
std::cout << "\n Input 8 hex numbers (12A45F78): ";
The "cout" statements can be changed to anything that you like.
What you have set up now is a great way of testing the program, but eventually you will need to input and verify the string. You may also want to verify that each element of the string is a digit or the letters "A" - "F". I have not worked on this yet, but what I have in mind may streach the "Do not call built-in library functions that accomplish these tasks automatically.", but since it is not part of converting the number it might work. I was thinking of using the header file "<cctype>" and the function "isdigit()". There is also "std::toupper()" to make sure that the letters are in upper case. Just a thought for now.
Hope that helps,