expected unqualified-id before 'if'
I can't figure it out, am I missing curly brackets of something?
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#define pxWidth 32
#define pxHeight 32
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <iostream>
struct game
enum difficult
beginner, intermediate, expert
int row;
int column;
int mines;
difficult option = beginner;
if(option == beginner){ ///////////<-this line
row = 8;
column = 8;
mines = 10;
int main()
game game;
sf::RenderWindow app(sf::VideoMode(game.row* pxWidth, game.column * pxHeight), "Minesweeper", sf::Style::Titlebar | sf::Style::Close);
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Put the code (if statement) inside a constructor. For example:
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struct game
enum difficulty { beginner, intermediate, expert };
int row = 16 ;
int column = 16 ;
int mines = 32 ;
difficulty option ;
explicit game( difficulty level = intermediate ) : option(level) { // constructor
if( option == beginner ) {
row = 8;
column = 8;
mines = 10;
else if( option == expert ) {
row = 24;
column = 24;
mines = 80 ;
// else option == intermediate (stay with the default member initialisers)
int main() {
game g( game::beginner ) ;
// play game etc.
omg I'm so stupid i got it now thanks you
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