what is the most efficient way to find the sum of gcds of all the subarray without using tabular DP(as the memory constraints doesn't allow to form 2D array)
So just to be clear on the terminology, if the array as a whole is [2, 4, 6], you must skip gcd(2, 6)?
I'm sure websites like geeksforgeeks have had this question done dozens of times, so you could just search for it, it sounds like a code competition question.
> memory constraints doesn't allow to form 2D array
if the idea is to create a matrix where G[j][k] = gcd(v[j]...v[k]) then you need to notice that it will have a lot of repeated elements
so you may compress that information and it will not exceed the memory limit
gcd probably has properties that help. there is likely something like gcd (2,4) and gcd(2,4,6) that you can do to save work, to find the second one faster using knowledge of the first one.. these things are math problems first, coding second, go do the math.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
usingnamespace std;
int gcd( int a, int b )
return b ? gcd( b, a % b ) : a;
int sumAll( const vector<int> A )
int N = A.size();
vector<int> B = A;
int sum = 0;
for ( int i : B ) sum += i; // subsequences of length 1
for ( int Lm1 = 1; Lm1 < N; Lm1++ ) // subsequences of length 2, ..., N
{ // Lm1 is length minus 1
int sumlast = sum;
for ( int i = 0; i + Lm1 < N; i++ ) // replace element B[i] with
{ // gcd( A[i], ..., A[i+Lm1] )
if ( B[i] != 1 ) B[i] = gcd( B[i], A[i+Lm1] );
sum += B[i];
if ( sum - sumlast == N - Lm1 ) // shortcut exit once all B[i] are 1
int triangle = N - Lm1 - 1;
if ( triangle > 0 ) sum += triangle * ( triangle + 1 ) / 2;
return sum;
int main()
vector<int> A = { 6, 18, 12, 36, 5 };
cout << sumAll( A );
GCD[0] = {v[0], 1}
for K in range(1,n):
GCD[K] = compress({gcd(GCD[K-1], v[K]), {v[K], 1}})
so we store pairs {value, count}
we'll fill the lower triangle, so at each step, compute the gcd between each element of the previous row and the current v_k
then in compress(), just check for contiguous elements that have the same value and sum their count.
def compress(array):
result = {array[0]}
for K in range(1, len(array)):
if array[K].value == array[K-1].value: //same element, update the count
result.back().count += array[K].count
else: //new element, insert it
return result