Right now, your program is invalid, actually. You attempt to use x before initializing it, presumably to 0. C++ requires all variables be properly initialized (if read before being written to), otherwise it's "undefined behavior" (most likely junk values, crashes, etc.)
First, initialize your x to be 0:
int x = 0;
Then, you can change the 4000 to be a 10.
[You can also use a for loop, see:
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/control/ loops section]
Inside the if (x == 5) block, add a
return 1;
(the actual value doesn't matter). This will exit the program, like the prompt tells you to do.
After the while loop, print the "wow, you're more patient..." text.
Also, pay attention to proper indenting of your code. Your if block (lines 9-11) is within your while block (lines 6-12), so you should indent lines 9-11 one more level over.