If this is a work-related assignment you are in a bit of a bind, because we can only make generalized suggestions without looking at
specific code and system set up, knowing details about the application you are trying to modify, etc.
What you want to do is not simple, so doing it in C++ is going to take some effort.
Convince your boss that modifying the I/O of legacy applications is black art stuff, and it will cost a lot of time (==money) to do it in-house instead of using something like
AutoIt or
Expect, which are solid, industry-standard programs that do it already, do it well, and have been around for ages.
If, undaunted, you can get access to the other application’s console window handle, then you can use the windows console functions to modify the console display itself. The other application will not know any of this, of course, and will regularly fight you whenever it thinks it ought to update its display.
Good luck.