Full Disclosure this is a HW assignment. But I already turned it in last night so I'm sure I got a d or c. I just want learn know how to do this correctly.
The assignment is to create a program that displays 6 patterns with one execution. Our prof gave us the input info and how it should look like if done correctly. The first two patterns came out correctly b/c they only have one row of asterisks. But once I get to the third pattern it comes out all wrong. The input for the 3rd pattern is: rows: 10, asterisks: 1, incre_or_decre: 1.
Goal: My goal is to get the third pattern to display correctly. It should display with 1 asterisk in the first row and increment with each row with the last row being the 10th row (like a right triangle of asterisks). Instead what is displayed is just one of row of 10 asterisks.
int main()
cout << "HOMEWORK 5 PART 1\n";
for (int count = 1; count <= 6; count++)
int rows,
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter the number of rows ";
cin >> rows;
cout << "Enter the number of asterisks in the first row ";
cin >> asterisks;
cout << "Enter 1 if you want *'s to increase on each row, "
<< "-1 for decrease, 0 for no increase ";
cin >> incre_or_decre;
for (int row=1; row <= rows; row++)
for (int col=1; col <= asterisks; col++)
cout << "*";