What could i do with the basics

closed account (N8MNAqkS)
So I am reading a C++ book "C++ without fear" by Brian Overland. and its a beginners book on C++ programing and I was just wondering, if I finish this book and become fluent with the basics of C++, what might I be able to do with that knowledge, what kind of programs might I be capable of writing only knowing the basics. I know "the basics" is quite vague, but perhaps someone could give me a ballpark, just a general range of things I could practice.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Reading just one book won't come even close to making you proficient in C++, even Bjourne Stroustrup's "Programming: Principles and Practices Using C++"

There is far too much in C++ that a single book can only cover the barest basics of the language.

Most books are years out of date, with language standard revisions since they were written and published.

Books, multiple as in many, still won't teach you everything there is to know about what C++ can offer.
closed account (N8MNAqkS)
of course, I don't expect to become a tech wiz just reading one book, I plan on making this a career and im not planning on half baking it. but is there even a simple program, even one they might have you write in school, that I might be able to write. I mean I don't expect to reinvent google, but even something as simple as gather info from a file and moving it somewhere else, or something pointless like that. I just wanna do something that might make this feel like less of a waist of time, I mean I watch youtube tutorials, I read books, and a lot of it just seem kind of pointless, like cout << "hello world"; this does not seem vary useful to me. unless I am just not understanding its usefulness I don't see why I would want to use that line of code.
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closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Read the tutorial here at cplusplus:

and/or at Learn C++:

There are example programs you can play around with.

Take the knowledge the lessons offer and create your own programs.

When you have problems or questions, ask here for understanding or help.

I read code others write here that inspires me to play with the code. So I learn something I didn't know about before.

Even if it is a new way of doing tasks.
Just reading a book (or several books) won't teach you much apart from being able to look at some code and decide whether it's a valid C++ program or not.

It's not going to teach you much about actually writing code.

If you want to learn, it's practice practice practice!

Places for inspiration.
1. This forum.
You don't have to be here long to realise there are many different problems being posted. Just pick something and have a go at it. You're under no obligation to post any code you write as a result of reading about a problem here (or anywhere else for that matter).

2. Programming contest sites.
There are many (codechef shows up way too often here), for example https://www.spoj.com/
Problems are graded in difficulty, so you can dive in at whatever level you feel comfortable.
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