I'm making a small networked game, still learning networking so I might be missing out on something.
I am using Visual Studio Community 2017.
I am using Allegro 5 for inputs and graphics.
I am using SDL_Net for networking.
- The game is supposed to launch, works fine.
- Every game tick, function
gets called in my code.
- The game connects to the server if a mouse click was registered between 0-10 px on the screen, both x and y.
that worked fine, except that the client connected multiple times, so I set a condition so that it will only try and connect 1 client. I did this using a condition:
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if(connected) {
std::cout << "Already connected.." << std::endl;
} else
Here's the actual code, so you can see what I have in the function.
function in MenuState.cpp:
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void MenuState::HandleEvents(Input* input, ClientSocket* cs) {
if (input->mouseX >= 0 && input->mouseX <= 10 && input->mouseY >= 0 && input->mouseY <= 10) {
if (input->mouseB == MouseLDown) {
if (connected == true) {
std::cout << "You're already connected." << std::endl;
else if(connected == false) {
switch (cs->connectToServer()) {
case Packets::SERVER_RESOLVED:
case Packets::SERVER_DOWN:
case Packets::SERVER_NOT_FULL:
connected = true;
std::cout << "Connected to server" << std::endl;
receivedMessage = "";
// Check if we've received a message
receivedMessage = cs->checkForIncomingMessages();
// If so then...
if (receivedMessage != "")
// Display the message and then blank it...
// ...and then re-display the prompt along with any typed-but-not-yet-sent input
// Get and deal with input from the user in a non-blocking manner
case Packets::SERVER_FULL:
As you can see, there is clearly a condition check. The condition check works if I remove all networked code in
case Packets::SERVER_NOT_FULL: