Solved: init bool array

In the 'Prime' thread was a question about initializing an array of type bool, see

The tutorials (see say
"Both these statements are equivalent:"
int foo[] = { 10, 20, 30 };
int foo[] { 10, 20, 30 }; 

In M$VS2010 I tried
bool a[n] { };
bool x[n] = { };

Only the later one is accepted.
Is there anything you want us to discuss or is this just a note to people that still use pre-C++11 compilers?
Is there anything you want us to discuss

No. Ah.. yes.

First it is a reply to an unanswered question from another thread. A hint only.

Second, yes, how is it possible to get just the opposite, the complete array initialized with true?
vector<bool> x( n, true );
valarray<bool> x( true, n );

No idea why someone chose to make those a different way round.
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Thank you.
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