Tax form project

I have a program i have to do as a income tax form and I honestly do not know how to structure the if/else statements and really need help writing it ASAP.

I need to ask for the marital status, is the user or their spouse can be claimed as a dependent, ask for their income in wages/tips/etc, and ask if the income is > 700. If the user is single , then they earned $12k, if married $24k, ask for disabilities such as blind, born before jan. 2, 1959, and display what they will owe in taxes/what they're owed depending on whether or not their income taken form their w-2's and whatnot exceeds what is owed.
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yes, I can manage that much. I'm not that helpless. If you'd be so kind as to actually read the question, I'm having trouble with the if/else statements about formatting the structure. I have a flow chart, but all I can think to do is just constantly repeat IF and and cant figure out when to close them.
JProgrammer123 wrote:
I need to ask for the marital status, is the user or their spouse can be claimed as a dependent, ask for their income in wages/tips/etc, and ask if the income is > 700. If the user is single , then they earned $12k, if married $24k, ask for disabilities such as blind, born before jan. 2, 1959, and display what they will owe in taxes/what they're owed depending on whether or not their income taken form their w-2's and whatnot exceeds what is owed.

I couldn't follow this paragraph. Is that how the question was framed? What part of converting the flowchart to a program didn't you quite get? Maybe you could explain your flowchart/algorithm briefly in words and then tell us how you tried to convert it into a program and where you failed at doing that.
Show what you've tried.

I have a flow chart, but all I can think to do is just constantly repeat IF and and cant figure out when to close them.

Again it would help to see what you have.

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Salem C, well good, I don't want your help you condescending, self-righteous jacka**. I'm posting a apparently poorly phrased question on a beginners forum for a reason. I'm a beginner. I'm new to any type of programming. I KNOW my program isn't going to work, I don't even need the compiler to tell me that, that's why I made an account on here. To ask for help.

Speaking of, would somebody please explain to me how to attach pictures to these posts?
Why don't you stuff your picture up your a**?
Unfortunately this forum does not allow "attaching" of images.
But you can use image hosting sites like this one:
which allow you to host images for free and then post a link to that image over here.
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