a simple way is to make a new vector of pairs where value 1 is the value, value 2 is which vector it was in originally. Sort this on value 1. Look for the same value twice or more in a row, if found, check for both vectors being listed, if so, its a match.
Lines 51-63 don't do what you think they do. Line 51 is a call to the function numWhiteMatch(), which you've declared at line 19. At the end of line 51, you start a new block of code within main(). That block executes once.
The error you're getting is that numWhatMatch() isn't defined.
Now here's something funny: just 5 minutes ago I posted in the Lounge section about how this mistake is just too darned easy to make.
Why not pass the vector into numWhiteMatch rather than the individual items?
Line 56: You're basically doubling numCorrect each time.