rock paper scissors
Feb 28, 2019 at 9:55am UTC
I am writing a program that leads the user to play a rock/paper/scissors game
against the computer.
The first one reaching 10 wins, has won the game.
There is indeed a logical error since the program runs but the command prompt is exited right away, but i am not sure where.
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#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
enum weapon {
ROCK = 10,
int userscore = 0;
int compscore = 0;
const int MAXNUMGames = (userscore == 10 || compscore == 10);
string show(weapon h) {
if (h == ROCK) return "ROCK" ;
if (h == SCISSORS) return "SCISSORS" ;
if (h == PAPER) return "PAPER" ;
string displayWinner(weapon h, weapon c) {
if (h == ROCK && c == SCISSORS)
return "ROCK smashes SCISSORS! you won" ;
if (h == ROCK && c == PAPER)
return "PAPER covers ROCK! Computer won" ;
if (h == SCISSORS && c == PAPER)
return "SCISSORS cuts PAPER ! you won" ;
if (h == SCISSORS && c == ROCK)
return "ROCK smashes SCISSORS! computer won" ;
if (h == PAPER && c == ROCK)
return " PAPER covers ROCK! you won" ;
if (h == PAPER && c == SCISSORS)
return "SCISSORS cuts PAPER! Computer won" ;
if (h == c) return " ... DRAW!! ...." ;
int main()
int games_played = 0;
int human_choice;
weapon computer_weapon;
weapon human_weapon;
while (games_played < MAXNUMGames)
cout << "What do you choose [ROCK is default]? ROCK (0), PAPER (1) or SCISSORS (2) " ;
cin >> human_choice;
if (human_choice == 0) human_weapon = ROCK;
else if (human_choice == 1) human_weapon = PAPER;
else if (human_choice == 2) human_weapon = SCISSORS;
else human_weapon = ROCK;
int x = rand() % 3;
if (x == 0) computer_weapon = ROCK;
if (x == 1) computer_weapon = PAPER;
if (x == 2) computer_weapon = SCISSORS;
cout << "computer chooses " << show(computer_weapon) << endl;
cout << displayWinner(human_weapon, computer_weapon) << "\n next game" << endl;
Feb 28, 2019 at 10:11am UTC
> const int MAXNUMGames = (userscore == 10 || compscore == 10);
1. This is a boolean result, so either 0 or 1.
2. It's initialised ONCE when the program starts.
Feb 28, 2019 at 10:27am UTC
I have written MAXNUMGames=10 before and it worked, but it stopped at 10 games no matter who won.
I am looking to write a program that stops the game as soon as either/or reaches 10 wins.
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