the integer is evenly divisible by 3,display "Woo". If the number is evenly divisible by 5, display "Hoo". If it is evenly divisible by both
3 and 5, display "WooHoo".Display "Sorry" otherwise.I need to use one statement for using cin to get the number.The other statement must take care of all cout, modulus, and code branching for 3, 5, and 3 & 5.You need to use nested conditional operators(the ? : )*/
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
the 3% works and the 5% works along with the "sorry" but the 3% && 5% do not I just get "woo"
cout << "Please enter a number \n";
cin >> num1;
(num1 % 3 == 0) ? cout << " Woo\n" : (num1 % 5 == 0) ? cout << " Hoo\n":
((num1 % 3 == 0) && (num1 % 5 == 0)) ? cout << " Woo-Hoo\n":
cout << "Sorry\n";
cout << "You didn't enter 1, 2 or 3" << endl << endl;