Super Big Tic-Tac-Toe

I am extremely new to coding, and my ambition may be something that I should really wait a few years for. I am sure everyone has played the worst game in the word (tic-tac-toe). I am also sure that many people have heard of Ultimate tic-tac-toe (which I call Big tic-tac-toe). I have found many c++ source codes for this, but they are all very basic, they have the user type in the sub-grid that they want to play in, rather than them being able to click on it. My mission is to write a code to play Big tic-tac-toe (and later Super Big tic-tac-toe which is 27*27), but I do not know how to go about starting this. Any information is helpful, but please keep in mind that I will not understand even the simplest technical terms. All I have done is loops and more basic things than loops.
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Learning about arrays and the C++ containers would be a good start.

C-style arrays:

The Standard Template Library (STL):

If you are unsure about what you know and don't know what C++ can do for you, you could start at the beginning of the Learn C++ tutorial:

The tutorial here at cplusplus is good, but it hasn't been updated for a number of years. C++ has changed a lot since then.
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I understand that the code you've seen is basic. My recommendation would be to practice writing the "basic" tic tac toe and see what can you improve from those codes you have seen. Once you start writing the code and have questions, you can post it in this forum and a lot of us would be willing to help you. Happy coding!
By the way all suggestions above are suggesting you to learn C++ programming.

The truth is, you can't do what you're asking for with the standard C++ library. Input with the standard C++ library require a '\n' newline to be entered, and input is only possible with the keyboard.

However you can fill in those gaps by utilizing your operating system API (eg. <windows.h> for Windows)
or rely on user distributed libraries like SFML.

So if all you want to make is a simple game, then you should know that there is a LOT of learning to do if you choose the 'learn to program' path. You should know that.

I would encourage you to learn C++ itself, like everybody else here but you should analyze what you really want to be doing. C++ is a very hard programming language for beginners. There are probably better alternatives for beginners like Python or whatever (I'm not one to suggest better alternatives because I've only used C++ and a bit of Python) which might be even easier to make such games with. Not to mention that there are user-friendly environments aimed specifically at game developing (which may not even need coding at all). So do your research and see what suits you.
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