Hello, I'm Angela and I'm new to the forum and the C++ programming language. Suppose I have a class Engine like this:
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class Engine
Engine(/*some parameters here*/)
// Initialization of Engine's ctor here
// Some additional member functions
// Some data members
And suppose I have a class car like this:
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class Car
Car(/*some data here*/)
// Initialization of Car's ctor here...
// Some additional member functions
Engine m_Engine; // <-- My question is related to this specific encapsulated object
The problem is that since I'm using a constructor to initialize my Engine object, I have to specify the parameters immediately right after I instantiate the object in the private field in order to initialize it:
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Engine m_Engine(10.0f, 20.0f, 30.0f /*... you get the idea :)*/);
But, that kind of design doesn't seem very appealing to me and I'm trying to avoid it. One workaround I found myself doing was making the Engine object a pointer, then in the Car's constructor I allocate on the heap:
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m_Engine = new Engine(); // Why am I being forced to allocate on the heap though? :(
But I'm trying to minimize heap allocation and keep most of my objects on the stack instead because the object does not require a significant amount of bytes so I can safely store it on the stack. Another workaround I found is to have a kind of an "init()" method that does exactly what the ctor does and call it whenever I want to initialize my object. Though, this solution will have me flood nearly all my classes with init methods. Not ideal! :p
I understand that the constructor of an object is called the moment you instantiate an object. However, does anyone have a clever solution to instantiate objects with constructors in other objects without allocating on the heap or writing init() methods?
Thank you! I look forward to reading your thoughts on this matter.