I am confused by this variable:
const char *const amplifierGPIO = "/sys/class/gpio/gpio107/value";
What does it mean to have *const? Is amplifierGPIO a pointer? A constant pointer maybe?
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Read from right to left.
const char * const amplifierGPIO
4 3 2 1
amplifierGPIO is a const pointer to a const char
1 2 3 4 |
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Would it be the same if I said:
const char const* amplifierGPIO
It doesn't matter in which order you put the words that are on the right side of the rightmost *.
Both of these mean the same thing.
1 2
const char* amplifierGPIO;
char const* amplifierGPIO;
But you are not allowed to repeat the words so this would give you an error.
const char const* amplifierGPI; // error: duplicate 'const'
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