new to programming

ok so im new to programming and decided to start with c++ because everyone sais its the hardest to learn iv been watching buckys c++ tutorials on youtube and so far iv learned quite a bit i can do the hello world program and a basic calculator and if and else if and i understand them pretty good but now im getting into a bit more complicated stuff like classes and objects which i understand kind of but the parameters is whats got me confused i know its pretty basic but im just not understanding when im supposed to use them or even y they are used like what is the point of empty parameters like at the end of int main() for example. if anyone could give me a "dumbed" down explanation it would be greatly appreciated
Some punctuation in a 6-line sentence would be useful.

Have you really watched all 73 episodes?

Because that seems "pretty dumbed" down to start with.
I'd suggest not only watching and learning but also practicing for mileage. For every thing you learn in theory, apply it in practice my messing around with it with some code, to make sure you understand well what you're doing.

I'd say 80% of what makes you understand what you're doing is debugging and fixing your coding mistakes. But to make mistakes you've got to write some code! :)
I decided to start with C++ because everyone says its the hardest to learn

Ah, I'm not sure what to say about that.

People who outright claim "C++ is the hardest language" don't know enough to have a valid opinion. This kind of cargo-cult attitude is only present because the barrier-to-entry is low. (It's a ridiculous claim. But how should a total novice know that?)

There are lots of bad C++ tutorials.

Pay particular attention to the information about getting a good textbook.
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iv only watched the first 14 episodes so far. iv been copying what i see a learn into code blocks repeatedly until i understand it. i havent tried writing anything myself yet other than simple programs like taking a simple calculator and rewriting it to do multiple things at once in order to try and understand how things work. i think ill try and put everything i know so far into one code and debugging it until it works and i understand everything. for the record im not saying bucky doesnt do a good job of explaining things because he does. sometimes you just need a different perspective to understand something
thank you mbozzi much appreciated. i will look into some text books
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