Won't calculate correctly
Jan 13, 2019 at 1:30am UTC
Cindy uses the services of a brokerage firm to buy and sell stocks. The firm charges 1.5% service charges on the total amount for each transaction, buy or sell. When Cindy sells stocks, she would like to know if she gained or lost on a particular investment.
Above is what is being asked. It runs without syntax errors, but does not calculate correctly. Any help greatly appreciated!
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P#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Write your main here
const double FEE = 0.015;
double purchasePrice;
double salePrice;
double totalCharges;
double AmtInvested;
double AmtReceived;
double profit;
int numOfShares;
double saleFee;
double purchaseFee;
cout << "What was the purchase price?" << endl;
cin >> purchasePrice;
cout << "What was the selling price of each share?" << endl;
cin >> salePrice;
cout << "How many shares were sold?" << endl;
cin >> numOfShares;
profit = (AmtReceived - AmtInvested) ;
AmtReceived = (numOfShares * salePrice) - saleFee;
AmtInvested = (numOfShares * purchasePrice) + purchaseFee ;
saleFee = (numOfShares * salePrice) * FEE;
purchaseFee = (numOfShares * purchasePrice) * FEE;
totalCharges = saleFee + purchaseFee;
cout << "Amount invested: " << AmtInvested << endl;
cout << "Service charges: " << totalCharges << endl;
cout << "Amount gained / lost: " << profit << endl;
cout << " Amount received: " << AmtReceived << endl;
return 0;
Last edited on Jan 13, 2019 at 1:31am UTC
Jan 13, 2019 at 2:42am UTC
You are computing things in the wrong order.
For example,
profit (line 27) should be computed only after
AmtReceived and
AmtInvested have been computed.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
const double FEE = 0.015;
double purchasePrice;
cout << "What was the purchase price? " ;
cin >> purchasePrice;
double salePrice;
cout << "What was the selling price of each share? " ;
cin >> salePrice;
int numOfShares;
cout << "How many shares were sold? " ;
cin >> numOfShares;
const double saleFee = (numOfShares * salePrice) * FEE;
const double AmtReceived = (numOfShares * salePrice) - saleFee;
const double purchaseFee = (numOfShares * purchasePrice) * FEE;
const double AmtInvested = (numOfShares * purchasePrice) + purchaseFee ;
const double profit = (AmtReceived - AmtInvested) ;
const double totalCharges = saleFee + purchaseFee;
cout << "Amount invested: " << AmtInvested << '\n'
<< "Service charges: " << totalCharges << '\n'
<< "Amount received: " << AmtReceived << '\n'
<< "Amount gained / lost: " << profit << '\n' ;
Last edited on Jan 13, 2019 at 2:43am UTC
Jan 13, 2019 at 2:58am UTC
Also, wouldn't it be more correct not to include the charge in the amount invested, since it's not actually part of the investment. eg.
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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
// Write your main here
const double FEE = 0.015;
double purchasePrice;
double salePrice;
double totalCharges;
double AmtInvested;
double AmtReceived;
double profit;
int numOfShares;
double saleFee;
double purchaseFee;
cout << "What was the purchase price?\t" ;
cin >> purchasePrice;
cout << "What was the selling price?\t" ;
cin >> salePrice;
cout << "How many shares were sold?\t" ;
cin >> numOfShares;
saleFee = (numOfShares * salePrice) * FEE;
purchaseFee = (numOfShares * purchasePrice) * FEE;
totalCharges = saleFee + purchaseFee;
AmtReceived = (numOfShares * salePrice);
AmtInvested = (numOfShares * purchasePrice);
profit = (AmtReceived - AmtInvested)-totalCharges;
cout << endl;
cout << "Amount invested:\t" << AmtInvested << endl;
cout << "Service charges:\t" << totalCharges << endl;
cout << "Amount Gain/Loss:\t" << profit << endl;
cout << "Amount received:\t" << AmtReceived -totalCharges << endl;
return 0;
What was the purchase price? 100
What was the selling price? 100
How many shares were sold? 10
Amount invested: 1000
Service charges: 30
Amount Gain/Loss: -30
Amount received: 970
Last edited on Jan 13, 2019 at 2:58am UTC
Jan 13, 2019 at 12:59pm UTC
GOT IT!! Thanks guys!
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