What is a node?

closed account (367kGNh0)
In the cocos2d-x framework, what is a node?
Cocos2d-x has its own forum. Might get a response there.

edit: There's a user called "Rascake" over there and he seems to be quite active. So if that's you.. why did you post over here? This is a general programming forum. You seem to get replies over there (quickly too) so why are you posting here *confused face*?
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Normally I prefer to assume incompetence, but almost none of Rascake's posts make sense, and he has posted literal commercial spam links in a previous thread. Almost as if he was "ironically" doing it.

You can see in the above link and archive link that he is advertising a particular site that normally charges money, and this site also offers courses for cocos2d-x. I hate that I even have to write this because I feel like I'm helping him advertise.

The way he constantly makes inane posts that keep referring to cocos2d-x suggests he is just spamming that as well to promote it for his own gain (I'm not sure why).

A ton of his posts ask the same question and they are end with "please PM me" without providing details. Rascake, we aren't your personal servants. This is a public forum. Stop spamming about coco2d. This is no longer just incompetence or a one-off thing. We should stop replying to you.

closed account (367kGNh0)
What the fish? I'm just a thirteen year old wannabe game programmer. That coupon link was something some guy on the cocos2dx framework gave to me, and I wanted other beginners to benefit from it too, it isn't commercial advertising, ITS BEIMG FRIENDLY. Yes the rascake on discuss.cocos2d-X IS me, that community is has had alot of questions from me, so much so that I have had to refrain from using it so much, so I ask some cocos2dx questions here aswell. My 'literal no sense posts' may be because English isn't my first language.

/sorry for the confusion
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Okay then. Please note that we also get spam from udemy or other similar sites on a regular basis, so please excuse my assumption that that was commercial spam.
Personally, I would consider a free course coupon to be spam just as much as a "free trial" of netflix link (but I guess I'm not the one to make that judgement).

Hope there's no bad feelings then, sorry for the insult.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
It's OK. None taken.
Have you gotten responses for cocos2dx over here? I say the people at cocos2dx wouldn't mind you posting constantly, if anything it's just adding more discussion, which is a good thing.

And if you are really concerned about filling up their forums page then how about you make a megathread for your questions and have all questions contained inside this thread? Heck maybe you can update new questions there. This is a suitable thing to do for "what is"/"why is"/"how is" type threads.

I have posted a lot of stupid questions and have asked really dumb or non-relevant questions, but you see people here have still been welcoming, so I haven't had the need to use another forum, and I'm sure cocos2dx wouldn't mind either.

So continue posting at their page itself.
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