I am currently creating a copy constructor and an overloaded = operator for my linkedList class. I was following a tutorial to help me with the overloaded = function and I am pretty sure the if statement below is redundant i.e. the whole function + the while loop inside will work the exact same without the if statement.
Can someone correct me if i am wrong please and let me know if there is any use for this if statement.
const ListOfEmployee& ListOfEmployee::operator= (const ListOfEmployee& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)//check for self assignemnt
// free memory of lhs
//if(head != NULL) ***THIS IF STATEMENT
while (head != NULL)
ListPtr copyPtr = NULL;
ListPtr origPtr = rhs.head;
while (origPtr != NULL) //loop through rhs setting data to lhs
if (head == NULL)
//points head and copyPtr to newly created node
head = copyPtr = new EmployeeListNode(origPtr->emp.name, origPtr->emp.salary);
//sets copyPtr->next to newely created node
copyPtr->next = new EmployeeListNode(origPtr->emp.name, origPtr->emp.salary);
copyPtr = copyPtr->next;//sets copyPtr to our new node
origPtr = origPtr->next;//moves origPtr along until its NULL which ends while loop
return *this;