Program closes after input stuck

I want to enter all input and after that, for the program to not end. I am stuck on this because I tried everything. Either my code is affecting this or I am doing something that is not right. Please let me know what the problem is.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

//function prototyping
void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes);
void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a);
void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes);
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes);
bool userWantsToContinue();

// main - entry point for all C and C++ programs
int main()
int hour = 0;
char ch;
int minutes = 0;

getTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime12(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
while (userWantsToContinue()); // Y/N user input

// Function: getTime24
// Description: gets valid time (hour and minute) expressed as per 24 hour clock
// @return void - none, but it will prompt the user for a time in 24 hour format,
//validate the input, and pass back to the caller (by reference) the hour and minute values entered
void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes)
// prompt user for a time in 24 hour format
cout << "Enter a time in 24 hour format (for example 13:45): ";
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;

// validate input and pass back to the caller
while (hour < 0 || hour >= 24 || minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60)
cout << "I'm sorry the information you entered is not valid. Please try again " << endl;
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;

// Function: convertTime24to12
// Description: converts 24-hour clock hour to 12-hour clock hour
// @return void - none, but converts between 12 and 24
void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a)
a = 'p';

if (hour12 == 0)
hour12 = hour12 + 12;
a = 'a';

if (hour12 >= 1 && hour12 <= 11) // Conversion basically in this instance. Pretty straightforward.
a = 'a';

if (hour12 >= 13)
hour12 = hour12 - 12;

// Function: printTime24
// Description: prints the given time in 24 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 24 hour format
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// printing the time in 24 hour format
cout << "That time in 24 hour format is: " << hour << ch << minutes << endl;

// Function: printTime12
// Description: prints the given time in 12 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 12 hour format
void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// converts 24 to 12 hour format and prints the time
convertTime24to12(hour, ch);
cout << "That time in 12 hour format is: " << hour << ":" << minutes << " " << ch << "m" << endl;

// Function: userWantsToContinue
// Description: prompts the user to see if they want to continue
// @return void - returns true if user says yes, false otherwise
bool userWantsToContinue()
// Asking if the user wants to continue
// If user enters Y (yes), then the program will start over again
// If user enters N (no), then the program will end
cout << "\nWould you like to continue (Y/N)? ";
char c;
cin >> c;
return c == 'Y' || c == 'y';
I want to enter all input and after that, for the program to not end.

Seems to work fine. The user chooses "y" to not end, it doesn't end.
Hello Maxster,

PLEASE ALWAYS USE CODE TAGS (the <> formatting button), to the right of this box, when posting code.

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I found the second link to be the most help.

Like Repeater the program ran fine for me. If you have a problem it could be your operating system or IDE/compiler.

The question is; what is your operating system and IDE/compiler?

I did notice a problem with the output when a time entered of say 16:02 the output is:

Enter a time in 24 hour format (for example 13:45): 16:02
That time in 12 hour format is: 4:2 pm
That time in 24 hour format is: 16:2
Would you like to continue (Y/N)?

Not quite what you want.

I only changed the function "printTime24" so far.

Give this a try:
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
	// printing the time in 24 hour format
	cout << "That time in 24 hour format is: " << hour << ch;
	minutes < 10 ? cout << "0" << minutes : cout << minutes << endl;

When you enter a value for "hour" and "minutes" it does not store a leading zero. So, in your output you need to put in a zero if needed.

You will also have to change the "printTime12" function.

Hope that helps,

I still don't know how to fix void printTime24. I include a zero, but it looks like this: "12:150". I don't want that. How can I fix this?
using namespace std;
void printTime(int hour, int minute, int second);
void main()


void printTime(int hour, int minute, int second)
	cout << setfill('0') << setw(2) << hour << ":" << setw(2) << minute << ":" << setw(2) << second;

Last edited on
Final code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

//function prototyping
// Function: getTime24
// Description: gets valid time (hour and minute) expressed as per 24 hour clock
// @return void - none, but it will prompt the user for a time in 24 hour format,
//validate the input, and pass back to the caller (by reference) the hour and minute values entered
void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes);
// Function: convertTime24to12
// Description: converts 24-hour clock hour to 12-hour clock hour
// @return void - none, but converts between 12 and 24
void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a);
// Function: printTime24
// Description: prints the given time in 24 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 24 hour format
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes);
// Function: printTime12
// Description: prints the given time in 12 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 12 hour format
void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes);
// Function: userWantsToContinue
// Description: prompts the user to see if they want to continue
// @return void - returns true if user says yes, false otherwise
bool userWantsToContinue();

// main - entry point for C++
int main()
int hour = 0;
char ch;
int minutes = 0;

getTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime12(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
while (userWantsToContinue()); // Y/N user input


void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes)
// prompt user for a time in 24 hour format
cout << "Enter a time in 24 hour format (for example 13:45): ";
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;

// validate input and pass back to the caller
while (hour < 0 || hour >= 24 || minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60)
cout << "I'm sorry the information you entered is not valid. Please try again " << endl;
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;

void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a)
a = 'p';

if (hour12 == 0)
hour12 = hour12 + 12;
a = 'a';

if (hour12 >= 1 && hour12 <= 11) // Conversion basically in this instance. Pretty straightforward.
a = 'a';

if (hour12 >= 13)
hour12 = hour12 - 12;

void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// printing the time in 24 hour format
cout << "That time in 24 hour format is: " << hour << ch;
minutes < 10 ? cout << "0" << minutes : cout << minutes << endl;

void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// converts 24 to 12 hour format and prints the time
convertTime24to12(hour, ch);
if(minutes < 10)
cout << "That time in 12 hour format is: " << hour << ":0" << minutes << " " << ch << "m" << endl;
cout << "That time in 12 hour format is: " << hour << ":" << minutes << " " << ch << "m" << endl;

bool userWantsToContinue()
// Asking if the user wants to continue
// If user enters Y (yes), then the program will start over again
// If user enters N (no), then the program will end
cout << "\n\nWould you like to continue (Y/N)? ";
char c;
cin >> c;
return c == 'Y' || c == 'y';
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