I want to enter all input and after that, for the program to not end. I am stuck on this because I tried everything. Either my code is affecting this or I am doing something that is not right. Please let me know what the problem is.
// main - entry point for all C and C++ programs
int main()
int hour = 0;
char ch;
int minutes = 0;
getTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime12(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
while (userWantsToContinue()); // Y/N user input
// Function: getTime24
// Description: gets valid time (hour and minute) expressed as per 24 hour clock
// @return void - none, but it will prompt the user for a time in 24 hour format,
//validate the input, and pass back to the caller (by reference) the hour and minute values entered
void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes)
// prompt user for a time in 24 hour format
cout << "Enter a time in 24 hour format (for example 13:45): ";
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;
// validate input and pass back to the caller
while (hour < 0 || hour >= 24 || minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60)
cout << "I'm sorry the information you entered is not valid. Please try again " << endl;
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;
// Function: convertTime24to12
// Description: converts 24-hour clock hour to 12-hour clock hour
// @return void - none, but converts between 12 and 24
void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a)
a = 'p';
if (hour12 == 0)
hour12 = hour12 + 12;
a = 'a';
if (hour12 >= 1 && hour12 <= 11) // Conversion basically in this instance. Pretty straightforward.
a = 'a';
if (hour12 >= 13)
hour12 = hour12 - 12;
// Function: printTime24
// Description: prints the given time in 24 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 24 hour format
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// printing the time in 24 hour format
cout << "That time in 24 hour format is: " << hour << ch << minutes << endl;
// Function: printTime12
// Description: prints the given time in 12 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 12 hour format
void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// converts 24 to 12 hour format and prints the time
convertTime24to12(hour, ch);
cout << "That time in 12 hour format is: " << hour << ":" << minutes << " " << ch << "m" << endl;
// Function: userWantsToContinue
// Description: prompts the user to see if they want to continue
// @return void - returns true if user says yes, false otherwise
bool userWantsToContinue()
// Asking if the user wants to continue
// If user enters Y (yes), then the program will start over again
// If user enters N (no), then the program will end
cout << "\nWould you like to continue (Y/N)? ";
char c;
cin >> c;
return c == 'Y' || c == 'y';
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I found the second link to be the most help.
Like Repeater the program ran fine for me. If you have a problem it could be your operating system or IDE/compiler.
The question is; what is your operating system and IDE/compiler?
I did notice a problem with the output when a time entered of say 16:02 the output is:
Enter a time in 24 hour format (for example 13:45): 16:02
That time in 12 hour format is: 4:2 pm
That time in 24 hour format is: 16:2
Would you like to continue (Y/N)?
Not quite what you want.
I only changed the function "printTime24" so far.
Give this a try:
1 2 3 4 5 6
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// printing the time in 24 hour format
cout << "That time in 24 hour format is: " << hour << ch;
minutes < 10 ? cout << "0" << minutes : cout << minutes << endl;
When you enter a value for "hour" and "minutes" it does not store a leading zero. So, in your output you need to put in a zero if needed.
You will also have to change the "printTime12" function.
//function prototyping
// Function: getTime24
// Description: gets valid time (hour and minute) expressed as per 24 hour clock
// @return void - none, but it will prompt the user for a time in 24 hour format,
//validate the input, and pass back to the caller (by reference) the hour and minute values entered
void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes);
// Function: convertTime24to12
// Description: converts 24-hour clock hour to 12-hour clock hour
// @return void - none, but converts between 12 and 24
void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a);
// Function: printTime24
// Description: prints the given time in 24 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 24 hour format
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes);
// Function: printTime12
// Description: prints the given time in 12 hour format
// @return void - Time(hour, minute) will be printed in 12 hour format
void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes);
// Function: userWantsToContinue
// Description: prompts the user to see if they want to continue
// @return void - returns true if user says yes, false otherwise
bool userWantsToContinue();
// main - entry point for C++
int main()
int hour = 0;
char ch;
int minutes = 0;
getTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime12(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
printTime24(hour, ch, minutes); // function call
while (userWantsToContinue()); // Y/N user input
void getTime24(int& hour, char& ch, int& minutes)
// prompt user for a time in 24 hour format
cout << "Enter a time in 24 hour format (for example 13:45): ";
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;
// validate input and pass back to the caller
while (hour < 0 || hour >= 24 || minutes < 0 || minutes >= 60)
cout << "I'm sorry the information you entered is not valid. Please try again " << endl;
cin >> hour >> ch >> minutes;
void convertTime24to12(int& hour12, char& a)
a = 'p';
if (hour12 == 0)
hour12 = hour12 + 12;
a = 'a';
if (hour12 >= 1 && hour12 <= 11) // Conversion basically in this instance. Pretty straightforward.
a = 'a';
if (hour12 >= 13)
hour12 = hour12 - 12;
void printTime24(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// printing the time in 24 hour format
cout << "That time in 24 hour format is: " << hour << ch;
minutes < 10 ? cout << "0" << minutes : cout << minutes << endl;
void printTime12(int hour, char ch, int minutes)
// converts 24 to 12 hour format and prints the time
convertTime24to12(hour, ch);
if(minutes < 10)
cout << "That time in 12 hour format is: " << hour << ":0" << minutes << " " << ch << "m" << endl;
cout << "That time in 12 hour format is: " << hour << ":" << minutes << " " << ch << "m" << endl;
bool userWantsToContinue()
// Asking if the user wants to continue
// If user enters Y (yes), then the program will start over again
// If user enters N (no), then the program will end
cout << "\n\nWould you like to continue (Y/N)? ";
char c;
cin >> c;
return c == 'Y' || c == 'y';