Clone Deep copy

I have problem on my assignment, everything seem right, but my polygon don't render as i expected

what i get

the result

my folder , project file in visual studio 2017

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This is sort of a guess, but if we look at your Polygon class, you have a dynamically-allocated, non-POD information within Object::PointType * m_pt;

In your Polygon::Clone() method, you have
Polygon * Polygon::Clone() const
	return new Polygon(*this);

This calls the copy constructor for Polygon, but I don't see where you define the copy constructor for Polygon. If you don't define a copy constructor, the compiler will generate one for you, which will just do a shallow copy of your m_pt array instead of a deep copy.

Again, just a guess. But try looking in that direction.
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thank that fix my problem as pointer need deep copy
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