a program who copy just length of data which i need for example: data = b\nh\ne\nlength 45\n
i need to copy only 45 in my buffer and then return the rest of my buffer's capacity.
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vector<uint8_t> buffer(521);
std:.string tmp= "##############__HEADER__\nprotocol-version:0.1\ncontent-length:24\n\n";
std::string str4= tmp.substr(65,3);// find the position of 24.
cout<<"\n\n"<< str4 <<endl ;
std::string::size_type love;
int i_str4= std::stoi(str4,&love); // convert in integer.
cout << i_str4<<endl;
memcpy(buffer.data(), str4,sizeof(char),tmp.size());