IDE / Compiler-setup

Hi there,

okay, this might be a littlebit strange, but i'm a hobby-programmer using C++, but i never lerned how to use a makefile. I alsways used tools or predefined installeble packages. This is also the reason, why i'm currently using the old devc-ide. I once downloaded a predefined package, which included librarys (wxWidgets & OpenGL) that i need. With this installation i worked for a log time now without doing any changes. Some times i tried to compile my project with CodeBlocks, but witout success.

Unfortunatly some days ago something with my OS went wrong temporarily, which caused me to try to reinstall the wxWidgets-DevPack. Now it doesn't work anymore.

It seems (after reading some forum-posts) that i somehow installed another version of wxWidgets, so that somehow the headers do not match the librarys but i'm not sure. Currently the compiler (MinGW) / linker reports some
[Warning] duplicate section `.rdata$_ZTV20wxMDIParentFrameBase[vtable for wxMDIParentFrameBase]' has different size
and a lot of
[Linker Error] undefined reference to `wxWindowBase::IsDescendant(wxWindowBase*) const'

I already tried to change some path-settings without success but i do not dare to change too much. So it would be good if someone could help me to understand the problem.

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Make sure to do a "clean build" (i.e. recompile all your source files) if you haven't done so already.

If that doesn't work make sure that the wxWidgets headers that you include has the same version as the library that you're trying to link.
Thank you! I found a solution
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