Hello sjomelo01,
First off do not use the same subject line for two different posts. It is very confusing.
Again I do not believe that you compiled this program before you posted the code or you would have asked about the errors that you received. All the errors I noticed had nothing to do with the actual problem.
Your use of ( “ ), which came out different on my IDE, should be ( " ). This makes a big difference to the compiler. So form line 25 on you need to use the proper quotes.
It looks like you are just starting into classes so this may help:
http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/ Main page look for Classes and
You have been given 7 points (a through g) to complete. Work on each point one at a time.
If you want to show some initiative put the class definition in its own header file and the function definitions in its own ".cpp" file. These days I like to use the header file extension ".hpp" because ".h" could be confused with a C header file.
Point of information. posting a bit of code and what needs to be done or added to the original code makes it look like you want someone to do the work for you. And not posting an actual question along with not showing anything that you have done does not help.
Post a question or just say that you do not know what to do next and ask or direction.
Hope this helps,