Function parametar

I want to know why I need to mention int x in my loop in order to run program, because I tought that it already remember int x from my previous function with that parametar, and purpose of this program is to print results for unlimited inputs.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void score(int x)
if(x < 25 && x > 0)
cout << "Your grade is: A" << endl;

if(x >= 25 && x < 50)
cout << "Your grade is: B" << endl;
if(x >= 50 && x < 75)
cout << "Your grade is: C" << endl;
if(x >= 75 && x <= 100)
cout << "Your grade is: D" << endl;
if(x < 0 || x > 100)
cout << "Error! Type score from 0 to 100" << endl;

int main()
int x; \\THIS ONE
cout << "Enter you score from 0 to 100 in order to see your grade: ";
cin >> x;

return 0;
It's two different variables that happen to have the same name.

You can pass any int value to score, the name doesn't matter, it doesn't even have to be a variable.

int x = 1;
score(x); // calls score with the value 1.
int y = 2;
score(y); // calls score with the value 2.
score(3); // calls score with the value 3. 

x inside score holds the value that was passed to the function. It only exists for as long as the function runs and it cannot be accessed from outside the function.
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