Need some advice
Apr 5, 2018 at 8:38am UTC
I got this 2 functions that should erase everything in brackets,but when i started to test it i forgot that someone might put brakets in the wrong places...
So the question is,can i imrpove my code or should i start from scratch?
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#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string eraseSubStringInBrackets(string&);
char eraseSubStringInBrackets(char * ps);
int main()
char *str = new char [255];
cout << "Enter string > " ;
cin.getline(str, 255);
cout << endl;
string str2(str);
cout << "Original C-string > " << str << endl << endl;
cout << "Original String > " << str2 << endl << endl;
cout << "New C-string > " << str << endl << endl;
cout << "New String > " << str2 << endl << endl;
return 0;
string eraseSubStringInBrackets(string& s)
int left = s.find_first_of("(" );
int right = s.find_first_of(")" );
while (left != string::npos)
s.erase(left, (right - left) + 1);
left = s.find_first_of("(" , left + 1);
right = s.find_first_of(")" , right + 1);
return s;
char eraseSubStringInBrackets(char * ps)
char *p1 = strchr(ps, '(' );
char *p2 = strchr(ps, ')' );
for (int i = 0; ps[i] != NULL; i++)
p1 = strchr(ps, '(' );
p2 = strchr(ps, ')' );
if (p1 && p2)
memmove(p1, p2 + 1, strlen(p2) + 1);
return 0;
Apr 5, 2018 at 8:56am UTC
Sounds like you want to begin with something simple like
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if (left < right)
// go ahead and do the erasing
// the string was bad - the closing bracket was before the opening bracket
and then go on to handle more complex cases like
Apr 5, 2018 at 11:44am UTC
It did work in the string function,now im having problems with the char array.
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