

class A
public :

class B
A _a;


int main()
B b1;
b1._a.x = new int(1);
B b2(b1);
*b2._a.x = 2;
std::cout<< b2._a.x << std::endl;
std::cout<< b1._a.x << std::endl;

what does B b2(b1); mean ?
It means the same as B b2 = b1;.
b2 is created as a copy of b1.
so when using operator () its the same as using =
that is new and thanks peter for the help
so when using operator () its the same as using =

I’m afraid that’s not accurate.
In C++ you can overload operator(), and the expression “operator()” usually refers to that procedure. But here you’re getting advantage of implicitly-defined copy constructor
and implicitly-defined copy assignment operator

Note: in your example both of them might disappoint you, since they copy the pointer, not what is pointed to. Therefore, after being copy-constructed, both “x” member of b1 and b2 point to the same memory area. You normally don’t want that.

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